Clear blue sky above a high ridge line with pockets of snow and conifers.

Achieve Peace of Mind

Spinning your wheels on a decision feels awful

Upsight Can Help

Decision Paralysis from

  • Stress about consequences or missed opportunities
  • Fear of regret
  • Uninspiring options
  • A Bewildering array of choices
  • Too many Unknown Factors
  • Lack of Consensus

Using proven and research based methods, not only can you select your course of action, but you can feel good about your decision.

Move Forward with Confidence

Professional Coaching

Is the solution you need right on the tip of your tongue? Rattling around somewhere in your brain? Coaching brings clarity by helping you organizing your thoughts, and invites you to surface alternatives by asking excellent questions to spark ideas, so you can do your best work.

Outside Viewpoints

Almost any consequential decision will benefit from a trusted thinking partner who is outside the circumstances you are facing. Recognizing blind spots and challenging assumptions will give you a more complete understanding of your decision ecosystem, allowing you to select the best course of action.

Decision Hygiene

Complex situations make it hard to evaluate solutions. Fear that you’ve missed some important element can lead to decision paralysis, or ongoing anxiety after the decision is made. Confidence that you’ve thoroughly explored your options lets you move on with peace of mind.


Looking for more active input than you’d get from traditional coaching? While you’ll still take the lead on decision making and implementation, in an advisory role Upsight will augment your effort through independent assessment of your circumstances, and partner with you to invent and vet solutions as a member of your team.

Facilitated Conversations

Are members of your family, Board, or other team talking past each other, stalling the decision process? Maybe they need help finding common ground, or seeing things from another point of view. Or maybe you don’t have the luxury of bringing everyone to the same table, but you are willing to make the effort to explore your own perspective. A neutral party inviting alternative interpretations can get relationships back on track.

Meet Erik

An anesthesiology practice is full of consequential decisions made with time pressure under stressful circumstances, often with incomplete information. Connecting with patients to overcome their overwhelm and design a plan to achieve their goals, giving them the confidence to put their lives in my hands, is the most satisfying part of the profession.

My aim is to bring this level of care to the wide variety of challenging decisions plaguing people every day. Upsight is on a mission to rid the world of regret over poorly considered decisions.

Photo headshot of Erik, a middle age, clean shaven, white male with short hair wearing a blue polo shirt taken on an off-white background. He is smiling slightly

“I highly recommend Erik for coaching! No matter what difficulty I’ve come into sessions with, Erik has always had well-thought out and helpful questions to guide my thinking, an approach that supported me to generate solutions and potential pathways forward, and a great presence and ability to listen deeply while I share my thoughts. Competent, professional, and kind, Erik is a fantastic coach!”
